Hillsborough, CA

Top-Notch Plumbing Services in Hillsborough, CA

Waking up to a flooded kitchen or a cold shower can ruin your day faster than San Francisco fog rolling in on a once-sunny afternoon. Plumbing issues, often unexpected and always unwelcome, can turn your ordinary day into a logistical nightmare. This is where Chosen Rooter & Plumbing comes into play. As your leading local professional plumbers in Hillsborough, CA, our team brings peace of mind back to homeowners facing all manners of plumbing problems.


Imagine a world where plumbing problems don’t interrupt your daily routine. At CR&P, we turn that imagination into reality. With a team of professional plumbers who are not just skilled but passionate about providing high-quality plumbing services, we tackle each plumbing challenge with expertise and grace. Our mission is simple: to offer comprehensive plumbing services that address your immediate issues while preventing future ones, ensuring your home remains the sanctuary it should be. Keep reading to learn more about our plumbing services, or contact us now to schedule an appointment!

Comprehensive Plumbing Services We Provide in Hillsborough, CA

At Chosen Rooter & Plumbing, we understand that plumbing needs vary from one household to another. That’s why our comprehensive plumbing services cover a wide range of residential plumbing repairs, maintenance, and installations. Whether you’re planning bathroom remodeling projects or need urgent plumbing issue resolution, our experienced plumbers are equipped with the latest tools and knowledge to ensure top-notch plumbing services. From dripping faucets to complex repiping services, we approach each specific job with quality workmanship and a dedication to customer satisfaction.

Our commitment extends beyond fixing immediate plumbing problems. We strive to be the go-to Hillsborough plumber for all your plumbing issues, offering long-term solutions that maintain the health and efficiency of your home’s plumbing system. Through regular plumbing maintenance and timely interventions, we help prevent the recurrence of common plumbing challenges, saving you time, money, and inconvenience in the long run. With CR&P, you gain a reliable partner who stands ready to address all your general plumbing needs with professional help and fair pricing.

But enough about why we’re different — you can find that in our countless customer reviews! Here’s a little more information about the various plumbing services we provide in Hillsborough, CA:

Drain Cleaning Services

Clogged drains are more than just an annoyance; they’re a hazard to your home’s plumbing system and your daily comfort. At CR&P, our drain cleaning services go beyond mere clog removal. Utilizing advanced methods like hydro jetting, we prevent future blockages and contribute to the overall health of your plumbing. Our experienced plumbers understand the nuances of different clogging issues, providing cost-effective solutions tailored to your situation.

We pride ourselves on our ability to offer prompt response times and effective drain cleaning services that restore your plumbing system’s functionality without delay. Understanding how disruptive clogged drains can be, we focus on delivering lasting solutions that keep water flowing smoothly throughout your home. Trust a friendly plumber in Hillsborough to handle all your drain cleaning needs with the professionalism and efficiency you deserve!

Plumbing Repair & Installation

The scope of plumbing repair and installation services at CR&P covers everything your home might need to keep its plumbing system in prime condition. From the smallest leaking pipes and

toilet plumbing problems to full-scale kitchen plumbing, bathroom plumbing, and faucet replacement and repair, our licensed and insured plumbers in Hillsborough bring a wealth of experience and a strong commitment to quality workmanship to every project. We understand how vital functional plumbing is to your comfort and well-being, which is why we treat all service calls with urgency and attention to detail.

Whether you’re faced with an emergency plumbing repair or contemplating a significant upgrade to your plumbing fixtures, CR&P offers the high-quality plumbing services necessary to achieve your goals. Our approach combines state-of-the-art technology with time-tested techniques, ensuring that every plumbing problem is addressed promptly and effectively. With competitive prices and a focus on customer satisfaction, CR&P stands as your premier choice for all plumbing repair and installation needs in Hillsborough.

Sewer Service & Installation

Sewer problems can be particularly daunting due to their potential impact on your property and health. Chosen Rooter & Plumbing takes this aspect of plumbing services seriously, offering comprehensive sewer repair and installation as well as sewer line inspection, routine maintenance, and emergency repairs. Our talented Hillsborough plumbers utilize the latest in leak detection and repair technologies, ensuring that your sewer line functions seamlessly, protecting your home from the complications associated with sewer malfunctions.


Our sewer repair and installation solutions are designed not just to fix immediate issues but to safeguard your home against future sewer line problems. We understand the intricacies of sewer systems and apply our extensive knowledge and experience to provide lasting solutions. Whether you’re experiencing signs of a sewer line blockage or planning new installations, CR&P is equipped to handle all your sewer service needs with efficiency and professionalism!

Water Heater Service

Hot water is essential for daily activities, from showering to washing dishes. That’s why CR&P offers comprehensive water heater services, including water heater repairs and tankless water heater installation. Our experienced technicians are adept at diagnosing water heater issues, providing emergency repairs, and advising on the best options for your home. We aim to restore your access to hot water quickly, minimizing inconvenience and ensuring your comfort.

Beyond emergency repair, our water heater service extends to regular maintenance, helping to prolong the life of your water heater and improve its efficiency. Whether you’re dealing with an urgent plumbing issue related to your water heater or considering an upgrade, CR&P delivers the expert solutions you need to enjoy reliable hot water in your home.

Water Line Repair Services

The integrity of your home’s water line is crucial for ensuring a clean, uninterrupted water supply. Chosen Rooter & Plumbing specializes in water line repairs to address leaks, breaks, and any contamination issues with precision and care. Our leak detection techniques are among the best in the plumbing industry, enabling us to identify and resolve water line problems efficiently. If your water line has seen better days, call our Hillsborough plumbing pros today to request service or ask about our free inspections!

Gas Line Repair Services

Gas lines power many of the conveniences in modern homes, but they also pose unique risks if not properly maintained. At CR&P, our gas line repair services are designed to ensure the safe and efficient operation of your home’s gas system. Our team of qualified plumbers is trained in advanced leak detection and repair techniques, providing swift and reliable solutions to any gas line issue you may encounter.

We understand the importance of maintaining a safe environment for your family, which is why we offer comprehensive gas line services, including emergency repairs, routine maintenance, and new installations. Whether you’re experiencing a gas leak or planning to extend your gas lines, CR&P is here to provide the professional help you need to manage your home’s gas utilities safely and confidently.

Emergency Plumbing Repair Services

When you’re faced with a plumbing emergency, CR&P’s emergency plumbing repair services in Hillsborough are here to help. Our team of emergency plumbers is ready to tackle any plumbing emergency, from burst pipes to severe leaks, providing emergency repairs that address your immediate issues and minimize damage to your home. In times of crisis, you can count on our professional plumbers in Hillsborough, CA, to ensure that your plumbing emergency is resolved quickly and professionally.

Six Signs You Need a Plumber in Hillsborough

Understanding the early warning signs that necessitate a call to a professional plumber can save you from costly repairs and preserve the harmony of your home. Here are six signs you should call our professional plumbers in Hillsborough, CA!

Persistent Leaks

A drip here, a drop there — seemingly minor leaks can quickly escalate into major concerns. Beyond the waste of water and the hike in utility bills, leaks can lead to structural damage, encouraging mold and mildew growth. If tightening a faucet doesn’t solve the problem, it’s time for professional intervention.

Unusual Noises from Your Plumbing System

Your home’s plumbing system should be seen, not heard. Gurgling, banging, or whistling sounds emanating from your pipes or fixtures indicate turbulence and air in the lines, which could point to blockages or pressure problems. These auditory clues suggest that your plumbing is not functioning as smoothly as it should, requiring a professional plumber’s diagnostic skills to prevent potential breakdowns.

Sudden Drops in Water Pressure

Experiencing a sudden loss of water pressure can be frustrating and indicative of various plumbing issues, ranging from simple clogs to more serious pipe breaches or corrosion within your plumbing system. Low water pressure affects the efficiency of cleaning, bathing, and other daily activities. A plumber can identify the root cause and restore your system’s proper function.

Visible Signs of Water Damage

Water stains on ceilings, walls, or floors, or a musty smell, can indicate hidden leaks. These leaks not only waste water but can compromise the structural integrity of your home, leading to costly repairs if not addressed promptly. Early detection and repair by a professional plumber can mitigate these risks and protect your property.

Persistent Clogged Drains

While a plunger and some elbow grease can sometimes clear a simple clog, persistent or recurrent blockages demand professional attention. Clogged drains can be symptomatic of deeper issues within your sewer line, including tree root intrusion or severe pipe damage. Professional plumbers have the tools and expertise to resolve these issues thoroughly and efficiently.

Gas or “Rotten Eggs” Smell

The smell of gas, sulfur, or rotten eggs in your home is an immediate red flag. Gas leaks are dangerous and require urgent attention. If you detect the odor of gas, it’s crucial to evacuate the area and contact a professional plumber equipped to handle gas line repairs. Ensuring the safety of your home and family is paramount, and gas leaks should never be taken lightly.

Why Choose CR&P?

We aren’t the only Hillsborough plumber out there, but we strive to set ourselves apart from the competition. Here are just a few of the many reasons so many customers trust CR&P for their commercial and residential plumbing services:

Quality & Ethics

Every plumbing solution we provide comes with a promise of exceptional quality and warranties for your assurance. Our team takes pride in owning every phase of your Hillsborough plumbing project, delivering consistently excellent results.

Professionalism & Courtesy

When a CR&P Hillsborough plumber shows up on your doorstep, you’ll know. Our plumbing professionals are easily recognizable by their company-branded vehicles, neatly kept uniforms, and a complete set of protective gear, ensuring a blend of safety and professionalism.


We’re committed to offering the finest Hillsborough plumbing services at competitive rates, balancing high-quality work with cost-effectiveness.

No Shortcuts

At CR&P, cutting corners is out of the question. Our professional plumbers in Hillsborough, CA, strictly follow plumbing codes, opt for the finest materials available, and allocate ample time to perfect each job, aligning with the highest standards.

Convenient Scheduling

We understand the unpredictability of plumbing emergencies and strive to make our services as convenient as possible, offering emergency and same-day appointments to fit your schedule. As soon as you call, a plumber in Hillsborough will be there to help.

Educational & Thorough Service

We believe in educating our customers to keep them as informed as possible. Beyond completing tasks, your Hillsborough plumber will ensure you understand every step of the process, answering questions and sharing insightful plumbing advice.

Call a Professional Plumber in Hillsborough Now!

When it comes to maintaining your plumbing, there’s no substitute for professional expertise. Chosen Rooter & Plumbing is your trusted local plumbing service provider, offering a comprehensive range of high-quality plumbing services designed to meet the unique needs of this prestigious community. Our team of professional plumbers in Hillsborough, CA, is committed to delivering top-notch service, whether you’re facing an urgent plumbing issue or need a routine maintenance check. Reach out to us now and we’ll see you soon!